Hey guys! Just arrived at AHOP in style---my dad's 3-seater truck with 4 people in it; me, my dad, and two of my brothers. These 4 people just so happen to have really wide shoulders, aaaand long legs, so all around we were really squished. Ah well. We tell weird jokes about being so close, listen to some cool music, and have elbow-jabbing contests and then the ride to Austin is kinda worth it. (Don't tell the boys I enjoy them)
Anyways, yesterday I was thinking about Lady GaGa... haha yeah I know that's kinda weird, I am no fan of hers, but she seems to be in a lot of people's heads lately. She's got fame and fortune wrapped around her finger and she really stands out in her shows cuz well, her fashion sense is, wacky.... and incomprehensible. Her music is super catchy, ya know it's easy to sing along to and the beat gets stuck in your head, and she's one of the few pop stars who can actually sing. But that all seems to be a problem.
Now calm down, don't start getting all up in my face cuz I'm going against ya'lls "gaga for GaGa" ways, it's alright. I am not about to paint her as an enemy, whether she is one or not, but guys, she really needs prayer. A lot of Christians are embarrassed to bring up celebs in prayer sessions, heck, I know I would be... But right now she's got lots of control. TONS of people everywhere enjoy her music, and she feels she has to reach out to teens who "never could fit in" and "being a freak" that others can "hang out with and not be afraid to be free". I respect where she's going at, but what she's doing is making her own brand of narcissism and self-destruction. She believes strongly in fame, and is a constant slave to it. She said herself, "I believe in fame, and I swore to myself that I will stay on it and give my whole life to until the day I die."
It's depressing to see her gifts wasted on such a search for significance in all things empty. She is worshipped and loved only by what she does, not who she is. That's what's so great about God. He's good in EVRYTHING he does, AND who He is. God loves Lady GaGa, and we need to keep her in mind when praying. I think she is just searching for answers. She's found "freedom" in the wrong places, but maybe one day she will grow weary for all the wearing-and-tearing at her life, and God will she her a much better path to peace.